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Monday, May 28, 2007

Crash Landing on Planet Nana!

After much planning and plotting Our Gang headed down to sunny Miami, Florida to visit my Nana on her 86th birthday. My Mother and her hubby, my Aunt and myself have all made this trip separately over the years with my visitation being by far the most lax, having gone once when I was five and then again at twenty (bad, bad, naughty granddaughter, I know). We have never made this pilgrimage as a family. The trip was to be brief--fly down Friday morning, fly back Sunday morning-- about as fast and forceful as a blow to the skull with a sledgehammer, which is what we all felt like when we left.

We never knew what hit us.

Dill Pickles Rag (Xylophone Solo)
William H. Reitz

Courtesy of the Internet Archive
posted by missbhavens @ 4:54 PM |


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