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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chocolate City? More like No-Internet City.

There's no internet connection in the house so to do anything internet related I have to go to the local cafe and hope that the connection doesn't cut out on me. Which it does, every three minutes. I'm sort of at the end of my rope. I have stuff to do. I have bills to pay, posts to post, banking transfers to transfer, airline tickets to buy, time to kill. I'm on my third cup of non-refillable $2 coffee and even though it is very, very, very good coffee I'm finding myself cursing this entire city over this stupid internet issue which then makes me feel terribly petty and bitchy and spoiled. Apparently Mayor "Open Mouth Insert Foot" Nagin has proclaimed that New Orleans will be fully wired for free wi-fi while he's in office. Yesterday, that pissed me off--like there aren't more pressing issues here? This morning I'm like "Well, hurry up and get to it, buddy! You can call this city any flavor you please as long as I can get online reliably!"

Large insects. Failing power. No pizza. Tornados. I'm a little cranky.
posted by missbhavens @ 8:07 PM |


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