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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Ah, housepainting. The Brady Bunch made it look like so much fun. It's not. They lied. The Brady's had six kids and a perky housekeeper to help them out and they weren't painting over stucco (Mike Brady was too good an architect to have lined their living room with stucco over paperboard).

Big changes coming here at the MMM of M. I'm eventually jumping ship to Wordpress, and the lovely ladies at Swank Web Style are doing their part to ensure overall swankiness. Not quite there yet, but very nearly done. The RSS feed will of course remain the same, and the videos will still reside at, but no longer points here, it instead points there.

BTW, the living room is now a very peculiar shade of beige that leans way toward pink. I have no idea how I feel about it.
posted by missbhavens @ 5:08 PM |


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