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Wednesday, March 08, 2006


No, I didn't get arrested in New Orleans. But a friend of mine did, and under bogus charges. Click here or above for his story, click here for other similar stories and/or read below for details. A brief glossary:
OPP as in Orleans Parish Prison (not as in this)
ICE as in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (not as in this)
Having a videocamera in your hand at the wrong time is not a good thing in New Orleans, particularly when you are, in fact, filming your surroundings in order to maintain a certain level of safety from the police. I filmed him telling his story on Canal street as we waited for a Mardi gras parade to reach us. The next day we all planned to meet up for some more Mardi Gras fun, but alas, he had been arrested again. Something about "interfering with a police action" when in fact, he was taping run-of the mill French Quarter Mardi Gras madness and a police car drove into the scene, presumably to break it up a bit. Except they didn't, really. They just arrested him. Add a side of "resisting arrest" to that order, please.
posted by missbhavens @ 3:07 AM |


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